DataOpsSuite Deployment
In Account A we have to deploy AWS Postgres RDS and EKS to deploy DataOpsServer
In Account B we have to deploy EMR as a DataOpsEngine
Account A requirements
1.AWS Postgres RDS with 4 core 16Gb instance with 100GB autoscaling storage
2.EKS Cluster
- Require node pool with 1 node with configuration m6i.2xlarge and label app: dataopsserver
- Create datagaps name space
- PVC (name datagapspvc)with efs file system
- Create role in Account A which has assume role capability to Account B's role
- Create service account with name datagaps in datagaps namespace
- Create role and role bindings in datagaps namespace in eks cluster. check the attached file role&rolebinding.yaml.
- Create a secret with the name db-pwd which has postgres rds password
kubectl –n datagaps create secret generic db-pwd --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=<db password>
- Annotate datagaps service account with role in account A
- .kubectl annotate serviceaccount datagaps --n datagaps arn:aws:iam::<accountnumber>:role/<rolename>
- deploy dataopsserver.yaml after updating the Environment variables
3.S3 Bucket
- add a bucket policy to allow access to Account B
- copy required EMR files into the bucket from the link
- update the first three lines of the file which is in jars/files/ with the content from server /opt/datagaps/DataOpsServer/conf/
- update cloudformation yaml with required subnets,keypair,instance type,roles and bucketname. take updated yaml file from the attached file emr-imdsv2_enforced.yaml
Account B
1. create a role to manage cloudformation stack and EMR and also need to give access to the S3 bucket in Account A and to be assumed by role in Account A(please check AccountBpolicy.json)