Time Zone update for DataOps Repository in Windows
Update timezone in postgresql.conf which is located by default in C:\app\Datagaps\DataOpsSuite\DataOpsServer\DatagapsDataOpsRepository\pgsql\data\postgresql.conf
Line 580: log_timezone = 'UTC'
Line 696: timezone = 'UTC'
Ex: for EST give America/New_York in place of UTC
After updating timezones restart the below service
TimeZone update for DataOpsServer
We need to edit with the required timezone in the "datagaps.properties" file as in the below lines
Line 11: spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.jdbc.time_zone=UTC
Line12: spring.jackson.time-zone=UTC
Ex: if we need EST we need to replace UTC with America/New_York
datagaps.properties file location in Windows
Default Location: C:\app\Datagaps\DataOpsSuite\DataOpsServer\Server\apache-tomcat\conf\datagaps.properties
after the update restart the below service
Datagaps DataOps Server
datagaps.properties file location in Linux
Default Location: /opt/datagaps/DataOpsServer/conf/datgaps.properties
after update restart dataops.service