To use DataOps REST API In the ADF pipeline we need to add 2 web activities from the General section.

for example, if we add two activities with the names Web1 and Web2(Run Dataflowby Id/Run Pipeline BY Id)

for  Web1 activity, we need to use the below settings(This is to get a token, we will use this token in Web2 using JSON output)

If we install DataOps in private network then we need to setup the integration runtime 

Create Azure integration runtime - Azure Data Factory & Azure Synapse | Microsoft Learn 

Integration runtime - Azure Data Factory & Azure Synapse | Microsoft Learn 

In the advanced option, we have to select Integration runtime.

URL: https://<host>/dataopssecurity/oauth/token


Headers:  Name: Content-Type    Value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Body:username=<username>&password=<encrypted password>%3D&grant_type=password

! need to replace <username> and <encrypted password>(you can get it from the user profile screen we have to remove ending letter "=" in place of to we are putting %3D)

Authentication: Basic

Username: <Client ID need to get it from datagaps Team>

Password: <Client Secret need to get it from datagaps Team>

for Web2(Run DataFlow By Id) activity, we need to use the below settings

URL: https://<host>/DataFlowService/api/v1.0/dataFlows/executeDataFlow?dataflowId=<dataflowID>&livyid=<Livy Server ID>

You can get <dataflowID> from the dataflow edit screen and <Livy Server ID> from the cluster screen

Method: POST

Headers: Name: Authorization  Value:@{concat('Bearer ', activity('Web1').output.access_token)}

for Web2(Run Pipeline By Id) activity, we need to use the below settings

URL: https://<host>/piper/jobs

You can get <pipelineID> from the pipeline edit screen and <engine ID> from the cluster screen

Method: POST





  "pipelineDefaultEngine": 101,

 "param": "limit 10"



In Body Param and Default Engine are optional

Headers: Name: Authorization  Value:@{concat('Bearer ', activity('Web1').output.access_token)}