Follow the below steps
1) Stop the service "DatagapsBIValidatorServer".
2) Check the task manager if any "ServerRepository.exe" exists, end the processes.
2) Rename the "apache-tomcat" folder in the default path "C:\app\Datagaps\BIValidator\Server\" to some thing like "apache-tomcat_old"
3) Extract the new apache tomcat zip and copy the folder "apache-tomcat-9.0.34" in the same path "C:\app\Datagaps\BIValidator\Server\"
(Note: apache-tomcat-9.0.34 is 9.0.34 download version related)
4) Rename the folder name from "apache-tomcat-9.0.34" it to "apache-tomcat".
5) Copy the "Config" folder from "apache-tomcat_old" it to "apache-tomcat".
6) Open the server.xml in the "apache-tomcat/Conf" folder.
7) Replace the connector port "8080" with "6090" as shown below element.
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8443" />
8) Copy the war files (BIValidatorService.war, BIValidatorServices.war) from "C:\app\Datagaps\BIValidator\Server\apache-tomcat_old\webapps" to apache-tomcat\webapps
9) Start the service "DatagapsBIValidatorServer".
10) Browse the url >> http://localhost:6090/BIValidatorService/
Note : If web reporting is not opened when browse the url >> http://localhost:6090/BIValidatorService/ , then follow the steps 11 and 12.
11) Go to location C:\app\Datagaps\BIValidator\Server\apache-tomcat\webapps\BIValidatorService\WEB-INF . Open the web.xml file and change the 'param-value' value to 'false' >>
12) Restart the service "DatagapsBIValidatorServer".