Beginning from v3.4.8, ETL Validator supports integration with LDAP and Active Directory for managing the users. This article outlines the steps for setting the LDAP connection and users.

Step 1 : Setup the LDAP Connection

Navigate to Admin Settings -> LDAP Settings and create an LDAP connection as shown below:

Step 2: Add LDAP users to ETL Validator

LDAP users that need access to ETL Validator can be added from the Admin Settings -> Manage Access as shown below:

When 'Impersonate' is enabled for the user, ETL Validator will access local directories in the file system on the server by impersonating as the specified user. This feature is helpful when users with different access on a shared network drive are trying to execute the test cases with their access levels. 'Password' field can be ignored when LDAP connection is used. 

When users login to ETL Validator from the Client or the Web reporting, ETL Validator will authenticate the user with the LDAP connection.