Filters :
In case of Tableau, BI Validator displays filters column. "View / Update" link is displayed under filters column. And the reports are bench marked for the default filters.
Apply Filters :
- The list of all the filters is shown in a Tableau Filters Editor (pop up) when the view link is clicked. The different types of filters are shown in the Filter Type drop down. User can select filter names and filtering values. When the save button is clicked all the selected filter names and filter values will be saved.
- New filter name can be created by using '+' button placed next to the Filter type drop down.
- New filter values also can be added for a filter name by using '+' button placed next to the Select All button as shown below.
- 'Select All /UnSelect All’ button is used to select / unselect all the filter values at a time.
- Filter name or filter value can be deleted by using remove / delete icon placed at the end of each and every filter name / the filter value.
- Update link is used to benchmark the report for the saved filters.
- Note: To apply filters, the Filters check box in the settings button should be in the selected mode.
Filter differences :
- In the Run step, the bench marked data will be compared with the current data. If the reports are not bench marked after applying the filters, then the updated filters are considered in the run and the differences in the data will be shown under Differences column.
- If any filter names or filter values are added to the current data then the current filters data will be compared with the Bench marked filter data and filter differences will be shown under “Filter Differences” column.
Note: For PDF data format, it shows only view link under the filters column in the benchmark step and does not show any filters by default. User can add the filters manually by using view link.