BI Validator v2.8.6 or later versions support retrieving of the parameters and the list of possible values for MicroStrategy. Using this feature, users can modify retrieve and modify the parameter values for the test without having to do any manual step on the MicroStrategy UI. This featues was possible using the Java API of MicroStrategy.

In order to use this new feature, an additional BI Validator server component needs to be installed. Below are the steps: 

  1. Download the BI Validator Services zip file from the link below. This zip file contains a BIValidatorServices.war file that can be deployed in Apache Tomcat:

  2. Download and install Apache Tomcat (assuming Java 8 or later is already installed in your computer)

  3. Copy the BIValidatorServices.war file from step 1 into the folder below:
    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps

  4. Configure the BI Validator Services URL in BI Validator from the top right corner Admin->Settings->Manage MicroStrategy Server as shown below.

    Inline image 1

    If the BI Validator Service is deployed locally, the URL will be http://localhost:8080/BIValidatorServices/

After the above change, BI Validator will automatically retrieve the default parameters for any dashboard or report that requires them. Additionally, users can 'edit' the parameters and modify the selections as shown below: