One of the customer recently asked us how to use ETL Validator for validating data counts with allowed variance. For the purpose of this post lets consider a customer table in the source called 'CUSTOMER' and a corresponding target table called 'CUSTOMER_D'. The requirement is to automate the validation of the number customers per country with an allowed variance of 10%. Here are the source and target queries : 

Source Query:    

select country_cd, count(*) src_count from customer group by country_cd


USA 1414777
CAN 735913

Target Query:  

select country_cd, count(*) tgt_count from Customer_D group by country_cd


USA 14156227
CAN 835412

This scenario can be automated using ETL Validator using the Component Test Case. The design looks like the diagram below: 

  1. Create two DB Components with the source and target queries as shown above. 


  2. Note down the result table names in the properties step of the 'source' and 'target' DB components as shown below:


  3. Create a new DB component (I called it 'join') with the query to compute the variation in percentage. Notice that I am using the names pf the 'source' and 'target' component result tables. My result tables for source and target component were T_COMP_28_147 and T_COMP_28_148


    select a.country_cd, a.src_count, b.tgt_count, (b.tgt_count-a.src_count)*100/a.src_count pct_variation from T_COMP_28_147 a, T_COMP_28_148 b where a.country_cd = b.country_cd


  4. Next step is to define the validation for checking the allowed variation range. There are two options : 
    1. Option 1: Create a 'Value Validation' as shown below in the 'Join' DB component. Please note that the table name 'T_COMP_28_149' is the result table of the 'Join' DB Component


    2. Option 2: Add a Data Rules component and define a validation as below. This option shows you the data that is not conforming to the allowed variation range : 
