One of the question that comes up often is how to configure ETL Validator to use the Microsoft Exchange server to send email notifications since ETL Validator currently supports email notifications using SMTP server only. The solution is to configure Microsoft Exchange to have an SMTP Connector. In most cases, this connector is already configured. So contact your email administrator for the SMTP settings of the Microsoft Exchange. 

Another issue that is sometimes encountered during the configuration of the email notifications is that the Test email works but the email notification does not work when the test plan runs. ETL Validator server is a java process. All the test plans and test cases are executed by the server it sends the email notification once they are complete. Since it is a java process, it uses IPv6 Connectivity by default. The issue might be that your computer does not have internet access for IPv6. You can check this by navigating to Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> View Network Status and Tasks. 





To fix thisdisable IPv6 on your Windows box. You can do this by clicking on 'Properties' button and disabling the IPv6.