In this article, you will get familiar with the procedural steps to set up BI Validator CLI tool for CI/CD integration. Before you proceed, ensure the BI Validator Server is installed and configured to run with a PostgreSQL or Oracle Repository.

  1. Download and extract the BIValidatorCLI.jar file in any preferred location. Open command prompt and change the directory to the location where BIValidatorCLI.jar is placed.

  2. Execute the java -jar BIValidatorCLI.jar command to list out the available commands.
  3. Execute the java -jar BIValidatorCLI.jar –runTestPlan command to understand how to use the runTestPlan method.
  4. To execute a test plan with ID 1, pass arguments for that method shown in above screen like
    java -jar BIValidatorCLI.jar -runTestPlan -username admin -password 9D03kcEhuhOVXi7COmC6Kw== -tid 1 -url http://localhost:8080/BIValidatorService

    The Test Plan ID can be found in the ‘Start’ step of the test plan, which is available to the ‘Name’ field as shown in the image below:

  5. Optionally, add all the details about the test plan in json file and give the path of the file to the command as shown below:

    java -jar BIValidatorCLI.jar -runTestPlan –file E:/bitest.json -url http://localhost:8080/BIValidatorService