ETL Validator Complete ships with an Embedded PostgreSQL database that is used for the Repository and Workschema. Up until v3.4.6, ETL Validator shipped with PostgreSQL v9.3.x. Starting from v3.4.7, ETL Validator ships with an embedded version 10.x PostgreSQL database. There are several advantages of PostgreSQL 10.x, the most important of them is the Parallel Query feature. This feature improves the performance of Test Case run especially when comparing large volumes of data. 

PgBouncer is the connection pool for PostgreSQL database. Below are the services that are part of the ETL Validator v3.4.6:

Default Port Numbers for v3.4.6 and before:

PostgreSQL : 6060

PgBouncer : 6070

Default Port Numbers for v3.4.7 or later:

PostgreSQL : 6065

PgBouncer : 6075

Steps for upgrading to ETL Validator v3.4.7: 

  1. Uninstall ETL Validator. The uninstaller will not remove the PostgreSQL v9.3.7 database and related PgBouncer service during the uninstall process.

  2. Install ETL Validator v3.4.7. After installation, you should see four services as shown below. Please note there are two versions of PostgreSQL running in the system now:

  3. Stop 'DatagapsETLValidatorServer' and 'DatagapsETLValidatorpgbouncer_1.8.1' services before the migration. Close any ETL Validator Client that might be open. It is very important to close all connections to the PostgreSQL databases before we perform the data migration.

  4. The next step is to migrate the test cases and data source metadata from PostgreSQL 9.3 to PostgreSQL 10.3. You can ignore this step if you are not interested in migrating your test case and data source metadata. Open a command prompt window and execute the following two scripts that part of the installation folder:

  5. Start 'DatagapsETLValidatorServer' and 'DatagapsETLValidatorpgbouncer_1.8.1' service after the migration

  6. Open ETL Validator Client and edit the repository connection as shown below. Change the port from 6070 to 6075 and enter 'Repository' as the database:

  7. Login to ETL Validator as an administrator and update the Workschema connection details from the 'Data Sources' screen as shown below:

  8. Verify that all your test cases and data source connections are available as expected. After verification, you can stop the older versions of PostgreSQL services : 'DatagapsETLValidatorpgbouncer' and 'DatagapsETLValidatorDatabase'.


Sometimes after the migration you  might notice duplicate set of data sources, test cases etc. The root cause of this issue is that PostgreSQL requires all existing connections to be closed before the migration scripts are run.