ETL Validator provides a command line interface (CLI) tool and REST API for executing test cases and test plans. It further provides the interface for checking the status of the execution of test cases and test plans. 

The ETL Validator CLI tool consists of a .jar file that can be deployed remotely in any machine. 

Prerequisites : 

  • ETL Validator Command Line interface jar file (CLI tool)
  • JDK 1.7 or later
  • The machine where the ETL Valdator CLI tool will be installed should be able to access ETL Validator Server WSDL:
    http://<ETL Validator Server host name>:<port number>/ETLValidatorServer/Execute?wsdl

ETL Validator REST API can be used to by submitting GET requests on the web. ETL Validator v3.4.5 will also support Callback URLs for notifying test plan run completion status to the requester. 

The attached power point has details on the commands available for invoking tests and checking their status using the ETL Validator CLI tool.